Monday, April 21, 2008
2008 Toyota Highlander Hybrid April 2008
To family and friends - a new addition to our household. We were so very happy with the new Dodge in 2005, when we bought it. We felt it would be with us for a long time. It served us very well and it was a beautiful truck. But we regret that the times we face and the direction of our economy has forced us to make changes. This was the result of the highest Diesel prices anybody has ever seen. This is a rotten shame - but we must move on and do our best. We hope this new vehicle will help us with our rising fuel prices and still give us something we can enjoy. Enjoy.
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Holden & Kali's spring break 2008

Our grandson Holden and our granddaughter Kali came to visit us for spring break. In this picture they are soaking up some rays. We figured them for about 15 minutes as it was about 57 degrees out but they stuck it out for about 45 minutes. The results were - next day, after swimming, they had "stinging" on their legs. Turns out they had gotten burned, slightly, and they pool chlorine was having a reaction. Anyway, we went swimming, ice skating and shopping and lots of games and cartoons. Both were great with little disagreement and we all had a lot of fun. Can't hardly wait for summer break.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Snow in Spring 2008

The picture on the TOP was taken MARCH 28, 2008. That's right, springtime. The picture on the bottom was taken January 5, 2008, wintertime. It's still between 30 and 32 degrees at 1:40 p.m. Pretty weird weather for this time of year. And we hear that the West side of the state is also getting pockets of snow. I'm listening to the scanner and Snoqualmie and Blewitt are all backed up with semi truckers jackknifed and cars and trucks stuck. Hopefully we'll see spring sunshine coming soon. Enjoy.
Holden's Choir Program March. 2008
This is an edited video of Holden's Choir Program in March of 2008. He went to the Lakewood High School for an all day music program to learn more about Choir. They got to do one song with just their school then the second one included the the entire Lakewood schools plus visiting Everett High School Choir. You'll see, in the first part of the video he is not that happy looking but later he seems to be enjoying himself. Susie took the video, which was Veryyyyyy long, so I had to edit it down to fit the Blog. It's also not as good of quality, as I would have liked, either. It's still fun!! Enjoy.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
New Hairdo for Susie

FINALLY!!!!! Susie decided she was going to make the big move and have her hair cut. She has been debating for quite a while. She surprised everyone and just did it!!!! I think it looks terrific!! I think she will really appreciate it this summer when it gets warm. And she says it's easy to care for. She's going to let the bangs grow out more but, WOW, doesn't she look about 40 years old, now?? Well, maybe 45!!! Enjoy.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Columbia Tower 'Big Climb' for Leukemia
On March 16th, our Susie and her daughter Kristi, participated in the Big Climb for Leukemia. The climb involves heading up the fire escape stairwell at the Columbia Tower in Seattle. There are 69 flights of stairs, 788' of vertical elevation and 1,311 steps. And they did it on the timed stairwell. Kristi competed hers at 11 minutes and 8 seconds. Susie did hers in 17 minutes and 8 seconds. Susie was 3rd in her age bracket of 55-59 female. Approximately 5000 participants took part in this yearly fundraiser. We don't yet know how much they raised. Susie and Kristi were a part of a team of friends who raised over $3000. I did the climb last year, not timed, and made it in 28 minutes. So, you can see - they were FAST!!! Enjoy.
Big Climb 2008,
Columbia tower,
Kristi Berg,
Sue Isaacson
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Christmas 2007 Williams Family Visit
This is a Christmas video taken December of 2007. Kevin, Sherri, Jerad and Alyssa came to NaNa and PaPa's house to celebrate. Rick had just come home from the hospital after the FIRST bout with pneumonia and could not travel so some of the kids decided to come and visit. This video is of the Williams visit. Little Alyssa had a great deal of fun with her gifts. Enjoy.
Friday, March 07, 2008
Holden's Video of Alyssa's Visit 2008
This is a video that our grandson, Holden, took at his house in Arlington. Susie was visiting her daughter, Kristi ,and Holden for the weekend. Holden's cousin, Alyssa, was visiting for the day. Susie thought this would be a good kids video for our Blog. Hope you enjoy.
Thursday, March 06, 2008
The picture is of our Susie, back in 1977. She drove this Unlimited Hydroplane for a promotional thing for the radio station. Since it was a sanctioned run of a 1 mile straightaway, it be came a World Record as the fasted woman on water in a propeller driven boat. She clocked the run at 163.043 mph. The record will likely never be broken as the sanctioning body does not want to run any risks and assume any liability for this type of record, as we understand it. Maybe the APBA would have another answer. Anyway, if you look in the Guinness book of world records, it's there for July 27, 1977. Her name was, then Sue Williams, nick name Seattle Sue. We are all VERY proud of her. Below is a video of the record run - a little grainy but pretty cool. Hope everyone enjoys!!!!!

Sue Isaacson,
Sue Williams,
Unlimited Hydroplane,
World record

Monday, March 03, 2008

In the early morning hours of Monday, Mar. 3rd, Ecoterrists from ELF set off incendiary devises in new homes in the Maltby area in Snohomish Co. Fire District 7 firefighters initially responded and called for more help. As many as 5 multi-million dollar houses were burned to the ground. The picture, at left, are some District 7 firefighters. From left to right, Chad Berg(our son-in-law), Lt. Rob Fisher(a good friend of ours & Chad's boss), and firefighter Shouse. The picture was copied from CNN news. You might be able to view the sight at the following: . we are very proud of our Firefighter family and all they do for the good of the citizens.
Snohomish County Fire District 7.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Today is Thursday, Feb. 28th. I got a call from Lt. Agnew of the Chelan Co. sheriff's office today. She works in Emergency Management. Since I decided, recently, to start volunteering with Chelan Co. in the area of Search & Rescue, I have been doing some things out of that office. She wanted to know if I wanted to go for a helicopter ride today. I had earlier talked with her about hitching a ride in March to do some GPS & mapping on Badger Mountain for Emergency plans on evacuations on that mountain, in the event of a wild fire. So I went down to the heliport and hopped on the Sheriff's one of two 'birds'. We first flew up to the Cashmere area to take pictures of the County Fairgrounds for future training. Then Up onto Badger, in the snow, and checked some roads. Then we headed south, down the Columbia River to check on a place that may have a Meth Lab somewhere on the property. Then back upriver, back to Wenatchee. It was a great ride. Sorry for the bouncing in the video. It's a little unsteady, at times, and you're strapped in pretty tight and can't move around much to take pictures. But it wasn't too bad. Enjoy. Rick
On February 23rd, several brave souls braved the 38 degree waters of the Columbia River at Walla Walla Park in Wenatchee. They were there, raising funds for the upcoming Special Olympics. The event was MC'ed by Mike & Dani Utley. some of you recognize Mike. He was a professional football player for the Detroit Lions. He received a permanent spinal cord injury during play and is in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. He and his wife are active in fund raisers, in our valley, usually those associated with handicapped persons. He is the primary organizer of the Dam to Dam bicycle ride fund raiser that Susie has ridden in the last 3 years (100 miles). Sheriff Harvey Gjesdal is seen in the video as he has participated for the last seven years in the event. I did not get the amount raised but it generally averages about $4000.00 each year.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Well, folks. Here's another attempt at a video for our Blog. It didn't turn out too bad but I've got a bit more practicing to do to work out the glitches. Hope this works for everyone. I get my lessons from my buddy in Montana, good old Eric. He has had very good luck with his Blog and the video's. I hope I can do as well so we can post them more, especially this summer. I got Susie the new Video camera for Christmas and she has used it some. The last time she went over the hill to visit kids she let Holden take movies. We haven't even checked that out, yet. Might be interesting. Anyway, hope you enjoy the video. Take care everyone and talk at you soon.
Saturday, February 16, 2008

I've joined the Chelan County Sheriff's Office Volunteer Services group. This last week I went with them on a training exercise up in the Lily Lake area above Wenatchee Heights. The training was with Lake Wenatchee Snowmobile club and the Lake Chelan group. Also joining them were several Deputies who are with the Search and Rescue portion of the Sheriff's Office on snowmobiles. The exercise involved a lost and injured snowmobiler off the groomed trails. The exercise went well and we all learned a lot. We also had a lot of fun. I helped run the Communication van at base camp as well as acting the part of an Information Officer, writing Press Releases for the event. All ended well. And, it was a truly beautiful day. The weather is starting to improve around the Valley. Warmer during the day but still winter cold at night. Spring will be here soon. Hope this finds all well.
Sunday, February 03, 2008

Construction has been continuing throughout the cold weather and snow on our Events center. It's come a long way in just a few weeks. The inside has the cement seating in place. I think they come along and bolt the seats down to the cement. The owner/contractor, who owns a hockey division (southwest, I think), assures everyone we will have a hockey team, in place, on opening in September. They also have other events already on tap with Disney on Ice and a couple of concert events. It's exciting for most. There are still a number of skeptics in the Vallley.

Our new Snow for first of February. About 4" of new on top of nearly a foot that has hung around for over three weeks. Out neighbor, Jimmy, was out this morning plowing the driveways and road. Our house is on the left, in the photo on left. It's a little warmer, this week so things may start melting off. There will be a heck of a lot of water running around here in the next while.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
This is more of a test to see if I can add video. It's a short piece of Susie working at the sewing machine, planning her next project. She goes through 'spurts' and does several. Today it was finishing a winter coat (it looked great) and then starting on decorations and bedspread for Alyssa. It looked great also. If this works out, there will be more video's. Stay tuned.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Sorry I haven't kept up. A little problem with my health. Came down with pneumonia on Dec. 22 and ended up in the hospital. I couldn't breathe very well but otherwise not bad. The kept me and pushed antibiotics for three days. On Xmas eve they sent me home, with oxygen attached. Thought I was doing okay until around New Years Eve. I got to feeling very bad and my chest hurt very badly. I thought I had a cracked rib from some of the coughing. Susie wanted to call an aid car and I protested. I went to the doctor for follow-up on Jan. 2. She listened to my right lung and sent me to x-ray and blood tests. When the results came back, she said my right lung was full of fluid and I needed to go back to the hospital. I spent another 7 days and got my lung drained with a BIG needle. More antibiotics and rest. Finally I went home. I have been resting, pretty much, since then. I get out a little but just a trip to the store brings me back home to my lounge chair to catch my breath and rest a bit. The doc said a couple months until I'm back to normal. It's cold outside so nothing much going on, anyway. TV sucks but I read a lot. I have been looking in the mirror and didn't like what I was seeing. With being sick and all, I was looking pretty poorly. So, I was starting to fear that Susie might call the cops and have them take me down and thow me under the bridge with the other poor souls , Sooooooo - off came my beard. Susie wasn't home when I cut it but when she came home, it took a minute for her to notice. She said it makes me look a lot younger. Maybe a little. Anyway, I don't look so scruffy. Some of you out there may not have ever seen me without a beard or did but don't remember. I grew it in 2004 after hunting. Anyway, I don't look forward to shaving again but I will manage. But it's really cold when I go outside. Temps at our place have been in the single digits at night and teens in the day. Snow this weekend, they say. We have had a foot of snow on the ground since the 2nd of Jan. Well, enough for now.
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