Tomorrow, Oct. 15th will be the ribbon cutting of the Riverside Drive opening. There has been controversy about this development. I believe that finishing this roadway will benefit the citizens in traveling the waterfront, encourage developers to start building retail and commercial property and enhance the east side of Wenatchee. We have a beautiful river running through our community but there has been little development done in the last several years. Now, a cleanup is in progress of old and rundown property. A possible Farmers Market development by a private firm, restaurants, small shops, a marina for landing boats and a connection to our wonderful park system on the shores of the Columbia. The City sought alternative funding for most of this Project. I believe they need to continue looking for and pursuing other forms of financial assistance to continue enhancement on the waterfront. I think the development on the water will spill over to the uptown area businesses which are within walking distance of Riverside Drive. Visitors will be able to stroll through the parks, continue uptown to shop, return to the waterfront to enjoy a meal and then return to their other activities and recreation. Or perhaps drive down the roadway to the Toyota Center to enjoy an event or even have a try at ice skating on the public rink. The waterfront project is an exciting development and addition to our City. I hope you will enjoy it as it is progresses.
Ballots come out in a couple of days and, as most of you know, I am running for Wenatchee City Council Position #4. I hope you will vote for me. A fresh, new look at things and, more important, a fresh set of ears to listen to the citizens and their concerns and ideas. Please vote on your mail in ballot by November 3rd. Thank you. Rick Isaacson
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